The Madison County Historical 's 10th Annual
Cottage Lawn Farmers' Market opens June 4!
Oneida- The Madison County Historical Society's Cottage Lawn Farmers' Market was voted Best of the Best in Oneida's Dispatch's 2023 Reader's Choice Category for the best local event. The Farmers' Market summer season opens Tuesday, June 4 through August 27, every Tuesday, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the grounds of the Madison County Historical Society located at 435 Main Street in Oneida. The seasonal market will feature local, seasonal produce, flowers, artisan bread, baked goods, eggs, herbs, soaps, maple products, honey, poultry, beef, handcrafted wooden and metal items, jewelry, food trucks, and much more. We have live entertainment and themed weeks focusing on wellness, families, and recognizing our dedicated service organizations within our community. Other weekly activities offered include guided house tours. The Pomeranians will perform on July 9th from 4:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. DNA Tacos will also be at the July 9 market day. There are 13 weeks of the Summer Market-.
In addition to the summer market, the Historical Society will be offering a Fall and Winter (Indoor) Market that will run on the 1st Tuesday on September 3, November 5, and December 3 from 12 p.m.- 4 p.m. The Winter (Indoor) Market will be a holiday shopping experience where artisans from the Madison County Craft Festival will join the market.
A variety of farmers, artisans, independent consultants, food vendors, and nonprofits are participating.
Tom Stone of Stone Brothers Farm and Greenhouse of Canastota to the market with a variety of fresh seasonal produce from asparagus, beans, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, endive, escarole, fennel, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, microgreens, onions, peas, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, turnips, shallots, summer and winter squash, swiss chard, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, pears, cherries, plums, peaches, and apples. He will also have eggs, honey, and maple syrup. Ash Lovett of Flora & Fauna Farm of Oneida is returning to the market. She is a first-generation, woman-owned fiber farm specializing in breed-specific wool for fiber artists of every variety. Each week at the market she will be bringing yarn and wool from her flock, vegetables from her garden, eggs, pork, and lamb meat. Bob Faduski of Bob's Wooden Trivets of Oneida to the market with his beautiful handmade wooden trivets and more! Lisa Fish of Magpie Merchantile of Oneida is returning to the market with her originally designed semi-precious stone and beaded jewelry wrapped with wire. Brandi Gall of Wooden Moon Studio of Deansboro is returning to the market. Brandi creates wooden flower art wreaths, mobiles, and ornaments. She will also have seasonal fresh-cut bouquets, a variety of Joy Hartley of Joy's Sourdough of Oneida is new to the market with her sourdough classic loaves, bagels, cookies, scones, and a small rack with sourdough starter for you to make your own loaves. Suzanne Lynch of Dandelion and Burdock of Cleveland is new to the market. Suzanne makes candles, body cremes, room spray, soap, trees, potted herbs, and fresh-cut pine boughs. Carolyn Peters of Freedom Farm of Verona will return to the market with her USDA grass-fed beef, free-range eggs, free-range chicken, seasonal fruits and vegetables, fruit pies, jams and jellies, cookies, and bread. Rayne Polkowski of Fiddlespoon of Marcellus is new to the market. Rayne creates original artwork and art prints. Margaret Lucio is new to the market Amy Winn of Amy's Adventures of Cleveland is new to the market. Amy will have eggs, baked goods (bread, cookies, muffins), produce from her 2-acre home-based garden(beans, squash, lettuce, tomatoes, kale, pumpkins, cucumbers), and homemade candles. Justin and Shaena Trievel of The Yellow House of Chittenango will have jam bars using their homemade jams, cookies, and loaves of fresh-baked rustic Ciabatta, Rye, and Focaccia. Michelle Barbano of Mystic Trinkets of Oneida is new to the market with her witchy items, homemade witch bells, witch brooms, witch balls, hard wire-wrapped jewelry, other jewelry, suncatchers, statues, incense burners, and more. We also have Ellen Bowe from Madison County Working Solutions joining us throughout the summer.
The Madison County Historical Society is a nonprofit organization that operates a museum and the Mary King Research Library located at 435 Main Street in Oneida. The Historical Society continues to preserve, collect, promote, and exhibit the history of Madison County and its fifteen towns and one city by developing programs that enhance Madison County's heritage. The Madison County Historical Society's headquarters are housed in an 1849 Gothic Revival Villa called Cottage Lawn listed on the State and National Registry of Historic Places.
The Cottage Lawn Farmers' Market will once again welcome New York State Farmers' Market Nutrition Program Checks at the market.
The New York State Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) consists of two programs: the Women, Infants, and Children Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (WIC FMNP) and the Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP). Those who are eligible for these programs are provided checks to redeem for fresh, local fruits and vegetables at participating farmers' markets and farm stands.
For more information about the market or to obtain an application to join the market as a farmer, food truck, or vendor please go to the website, or call the Madison County Historical Society at 315-363-4136. Every Tuesday, we hope you will join us at the Cottage Lawn Farmers' Market to support your farmers and purchase fresh local fruits, vegetables, and more while enjoying family activities and touring the Madison County Historical Society! The Madison County Historical Society is a nonprofit organization that operates both a museum and the Mary King Research Library located at 435 Main Street in Oneida. The Historical Society continues to preserve, collect, promote, and exhibit the history of Madison County and its fifteen towns and one city through the development of programs that enhance Madison County's heritage. The historical society's headquarters are housed in an 1849 Gothic Revival Villa that is listed on the State and National Registry of Historic Places. The market is made possible by the most generous support from our Presenting Sponsor, the Gorman Foundation, with additional support from the Tanner Insurance Agency. If your business would like to support this community event, contact our website, or email us at

Caption: Cottage Lawn Farmers' Market Summer season opens June 4 - September 3, every Tuesday from 2 pm- 6 pm. The winter (indoor) market is on the 1st Tuesday on November 5 and on December 3 from 12 p.m.- 4 p.m. We hope you will join us at the Cottage Lawn Farmers' Market to support your farmers and purchase fresh, local fruits, vegetables, and more!